Sunday, January 30, 2011

Name badge

I was lucky enough to be able to go to the London Polymer Clay Group meeting today (thanks to my parents for looking after the children as hubby was busy shock horror!). I decided to make myself a name badge yesterday evening so it was made in a bit of a rush (one day I will learn not to be so chaotic but until then last minute it is....). The photo too was taken in a rush and the lighting is terrible. It is on my list of things to do in Feb to try and sort out some better lighting for both taking photos of my work and for my sale table -hoping it can be the same lights I use for both.

I had a lovely day out in London, 2 hours of peace on the train would be a treat enough but to go and talk polymer clay with nice people who understand, to see so many lovely pieces of work by the talented members of the group and to be shown some new techniques is fantastic. Unfortunately I can't make the next meeting as it is on my youngest daughters 5th birthday but I do have Polymer, Pamper, Play to look forward too in March! A whole weekend of polymer clay!!

I hope you all get time to be creative with friends too.
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